Friday, October 10, 2008

bubbly bathtime fun!

the girls LOVE to take baths in my big jacuzzi tub and yesterday they begged me to get in. i usually say no on school nights because they stay in there FOREVER, but it was early and so i caved. i tried to get some candid shots but i guess they are so used to getting their picture taken that they spied me peeking around the corner. thought these were cute anyway even if they were posed. they were putting bubbles all over their faces and were pretending they had beards then would "shave" them off with a washcloth. GOOFY GIRLS!

you can see they were having a blast! this is what they called the "floating heads". (no lack of imagination on their part.)


Shauna said...

Bubble Baths create such fun memories!

rebecca @ older and wisor said...

It must be different with all girls- I don't think Sierra would go for a bath with her brothers HAHA

The Johnston's said...

So fun!! Floating heads.. perfect for Halloween!I miss you guys.

Heidi said...

I wonder where the girls get their goofy side? hmmmmm

Looks like fun! Why is it so hard to get hose candid shots? My kids are all to aware of the camera too. So where are the pictures of you in the tub? HA!

we know dad's foot is missing but we love this pic

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