Friday, August 31, 2012

gracie's baptism 2011

 yes, i am aware that this event took place almost a year ago. no, i have no shame in posting it now.  i have been a slacker to the Nth degree with the blog and i have no valid excuses.   but here it is anyway, either for your enjoyment, just ours or both.  (i mean really, we all know this is basically for our own enjoyment half the time right?)

 grace looking so spectacular in her baptism dress.  the story behind the dress is that i accidentally ordered the wrong one! oops! but once this one came in the mail, she fell in love! so we were all good.

 preparing for the dunkage.
 all well and clean! dad only had to dunk this kid once.  i guess the third time really is the charm...
 with bishop watson (he's been the bishop for all of our girls' baptisms)

 with all of the fam that made it for her special day.  our family, grandma and grandpa, cousin zachary and uncle neal.

 with her bff kylee

 grandma and grandpa who came all the way from mississippi!

 with her silly sisters
 seriously want to eat them up! so gorgeous!

 cousin zachary and uncle neal came up from miami 

 goofing off? no, not this group...
 being taken to prison by the warden...


 at home we snapped a few shots of the baptism girl

 grace just being grace

all in all it was a fantastic morning.  that is it. no more babies to be baptized.  goes too fast!  

after the baptism we had a rockin' good birthday party! those pics to come soon because, if i do say so myself, the person who put it together did a superb job!


Mari said...

Such a beauty!

Unknown said...

Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas l Raviv Dozetas

ركن كلين said...

نحن كشركة متميزة فى أعمال التنظيف سوف نساعك فى الحصول على أفضل خدمات التنظيف البيوت والمنازل فى أقل وقت وبدون مجهود وبجودة فائقه لم تحصلى عليها من قبل وسوف تستعيدى جمال منزلك المبهر والمميز وتحولى منزلك مهما كان حجمه أو شكله أو جنة فقط باعتماد شركتنا على مجموعه من الامور البسيطة والدقيقة شركات تنظيف المنازل  التى لن تكلفك أبدا وفى النهاية سوف ترى الخدمة وتحكمى بنفسك ؛ فقط تعاملى معنا وأنتى الرابحة فى النهاية.
شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض شركة نقل عفش بالرياض
شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرياض شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض
شركة تنظيف خزانات بالرياض افضل شركة تنظيف خزانات بالرياض
شركة تنظيف شقق بالرياض افضل شركة تنظيف شقق بالرياض
شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض افضل شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض

we know dad's foot is missing but we love this pic

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