Tuesday, February 10, 2009

funny phone call #1

okay had to share this. thought it was a bit funny. and maybe i am the only one that does. (this is a frequent occurrence in my household, but i just chalk it off to the fact that everyone else has a really bad sense of humor!)
let me preface the phone call by saying that sarah stayed home sick from school on friday so i let savannah stay home too. like none of you have ever done that? besides, that makes me her best friend for the day because i LET her skip school. and also they haven't missed a day of school in like a year or more!
so, i am home minding my own business when my phone rings and it's the school. well, that is a bit odd as both of them are home and let's face it who would really be calling me from the school besides the two of them? (and don't think that thoughts of being caught letting savannah skip school and being caught by the principal aren't running through my mind at this point.)

natuarally i answer the phone and get this, it is the school informing me that sarah and savannah are absent! well duh? like i don't know this already? but then the thought occurs to me ha! they couldn't skip school without me knowing it if they wanted to! i am sure that i remember this happening in our other school district but i had since forgotten about it until now. i am sure we are not the only school district in the nation that has this service, but i found it quite hilarious a.) because i will always know if they try to skip school and b.) because they didn't even know what skipping school meant! i had to explain it to them! their response, and i am not kidding, "why would someone NOT want to go to school?" oh the bliss of elementary school! i think i will have them say that into some sort of recording device (do they even make those anymore?) and save it for when they are in high school.

as i type this i vaguely remember this was the case when i was in high school too, but instead of a recorded message it was an actual person doing all the calling! the school secretary! umm..it was and still is a small town and they probably still do it this way! there were days when i was allowed to stay home for certain reasons i will not discuss in this public forum, but i remember now being home from school and dreading answering it for fear it was the school and they would find out i was at home! and if i was well enough to answer the phone then i was well enough to be at school. (or so i thought.) this was "back in the day", as my kids would call it, before caller id, answering machines (maybe those were out by then but my parents NEVER had one and NEVER EVER got one!) and voice mail. so you answered at your own risk! (it was also great because you could make prank phone calls! but I never did such a horrible thing as that.)

hope you all enjoyed this little ranting about a silly phone call as much as i did. and if not then i guess it's YOU that has the lame sense of humor!


Heidi said...

I totally remember racing for the phone -- with my brothers to get the "cutting school" call from the HS before my parents. Now I get an e-mail from the school so it's not going to be easy for my kids to hide the fact that they skip class.

3girlsmom said...

good thing the call goes to MY cell phone!

Raquel said...

Oh your daughters are so cute! Why would someone not want to go to school? I don't even think I thought that way in elementary school...an attitude that lasted well into high school and college...by the way this is raquel delgado

we know dad's foot is missing but we love this pic

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